Widespread Tax, Regulatory Easing on Horizon Under Trump
Andy addresses the prospects for tax reform under the new Trump administration.
Andy addresses the prospects for tax reform under the new Trump administration.
Ron Insana of CNBC cites Andy as the basis for a discussion of Trump's tax plan
If overturning the DOL rule is a high priority for Trump, ‘it will happen one way or another,’ says Andy Friedman of Washington Update
Expect less volatility long-term if Clinton wins, said Andrew Friedman, principal of The Washington Update
The economic impact of a Clinton or Trump presidency are weighed by Andy Friedman of Washington Update.
Jeff Bush discusses the upcoming government funding deadlines and control of Congress after the election.
The proposals that Hillary Clinton has announced are 'fairly modest from a macroeconomic point of view,' a UBS report says. The Democratic Party officially approved its platform at the Democratic National Convention on Monday in Philadelphia. The Washington Post has called it “the most progressive Democratic platform ever.”
According to the platform, Republicans want to gut Dodd-Frank and reinstate Glass-Steagall. Republicans last week adopted their national party platform during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. The New York Times called it “the most extreme Republican platform in memory.”
During an entertaining and informative presentation, noted political observer Andy Friedman said Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton could have a more salubrious effect on the markets than her Republican rivals.
According to political analyst Andy Friedman, because the House will be controlled by Republicans for the next decade – and possibly beyond – a Hillary Clinton presidency will face the political gridlock that has plagued the Obama administration.
Lawmakers are “furiously negotiating” the major hurdle of what policy riders to include, says political analyst Andy Friedman of The Washington Update.
While the Bipartisan Budget Act, H.R. 1314, is “quite remarkable given Washington’s perennial contentiousness,” Andy Friedman of The Washington Update told ThinkAdvisor on Wednesday, the deal “provides only gross spending numbers for defense and domestic programs.”
“His heart and his mind are in the right place for investors, but I don't know that he has the power to implement those ideas,” said Andy Friedman
The Washington Update touted as one of the most valuable sources for keeping up on Washington tax developments.
The new speaker ‘likely will be significantly more conservative and confrontational with the White House,’ Friedman says
“I take [the resignation] to mean Boehner is going to introduce a short-term funding bill, pass it with Democratic support, and then resign,” political strategist Andy Friedman of the Washington Update told ThinkAdvisor on Friday.
A September hearing and possible riders attached to a spending bill could thwart DOL's efforts.
We're likely to see some [market] volatility as Congress wrestles with these deadlines, says Andrew Friedman, principal at The Washington Update.
Experts say the Fed is likely to kick the can down the road once more on rate hikes, setting up December as the next likely time for action.
Fiscal battle could mirror 2013 Affordable Care Act tussle, says Friedman of The Washington Update.
GOP will reach an agreement, but ‘rubber doesn’t meet the road until the president has to sign an appropriations bill this fall,’ says Friedman.
Investors should consider muni bonds, MLPs, REITs and the IRA/charitable contribution rollover, Andy Friedman writes.
Andy discusses the prospects for legislation expanding the permissible use of college saving account funds.
“If you don't have stepped-up basis, then assets that are passed on at death are taxed twice,” said Andy Friedman, principal at The Washington Update.
Because Republicans are “no longer the opposition party,” they’ll “need to get things done” in the first year of the 114th Congress, says Andy Friedman of The Washington Update.
Political analyst Andy Friedman says at least one fight between Obama and the GOP is likely to trigger a market swoon and subsequent buying opportunity.
Andy discusses the initiatives likely to arise from the new Republican-led Congress.
Andy addresses dealmakers gathered in Tampa for the ACG Florida Capital Connection.
Destiny became reality in the midterm elections as the Republicans gained a majority of the Senate and widened their lead in the House to historic proportions. The Republicans now must decide the mix of confrontation and collaboration that will define their leadership. Due to variations in beliefs and campaigning strategies, the rank-and-file members of the two chambers might see this ideal mix differently. This update discusses the dynamics surrounding the election and enumerates the items Congress must address in the lame duck session taking place in December.
Andy discusses whether investors should favor companies that are inverting (moving their headquarters out of the United States).
Andy discusses the prospects for tax reform and the likely direction of future tax rates.
Andy speaks at the 2014 IMO Summit about tax reform and its impact on annuities.
Andy discusses whether Congress will extend the tax provision allowing seniors to make charitable contributions directly from their IRAs.
Andy Friedman, a political analyst and publisher of the Washington Update, addressed corporate inversions at FSI's financial advisor summit.
At the Financial Services Institute Advisor Summit, Andy tells advisors and their clients to pay attention to what’s going on in Washington, especially when it comes to tax reform and the impact on the markets of Congressional dysfunction.
Andy Friedman tells attendees of the FSI Advisor Summit that investing in a company moving offshore to save taxes can be worthwhile if the merger also makes sense for business reasons.
Andy discusses what the Democrats would hope to do if they manage to retain control of the Senate.
Burger King’s announcement that it intends to merge with Canadian company Tim Hortons -- and in the process move its headquarters to Canada -- is the latest in a recent string of corporate “inversions”, companies fleeing the tax jurisdiction of the United States. This paper explains why companies are inverting, whether Washington can stop them, and – perhaps most important - the consequences to shareholders and investors.
Wealthy families far below the estate tax threshold are increasingly using trusts to protect, manage and grow assets.
According to political analyst Andy Friedman of The Washington Update, tax reform, however much favored and seen as necessary by policy advocates and ordinary Americans, remains far from inevitable.
Andy blogs for the Huffington Post about the impact of and prognosis for Obamacare.
Andy Friedman explains why gerrymandering and the rise of independent voters will shape midterm and 2016 presidential elections.
In connection with President Obama’s visit to the Netherlands, that country’s leading financial national paper published an interview with Andy Friedman about the state of U.S. fiscal policy.
Congress has passed legislation permitting the federal government to continue to borrow funds through March 15, 2015. Coupled with the agreement reached last December to fund the government through September 30, 2015, this action eliminates the prospects of additional fiscal showdowns for at least the remainder of 2014. But these battles are likely to return next year.
Andy discusses whether the year-end budget deal heralds more Congressional compromise in 2014.
Congressional negotiators have reached a modest agreement to fund the federal government for the next two years. The agreement does not, however, raise the nation’s borrowing limit, leaving an important issue unresolved for 2014. This paper describes the compromise and the fiscal issues remaining for Congressional action in 2014.
President Barack Obama's current tax proposals don’t appear likely to win congressional approval, though a variety of popular wealth transfer techniques may be curbed as part of a budget compromise needed to raise the nation's debt limit.
Congress has permitted the government spending cuts, known as the sequester, to begin on March 1. But Congress faces other deadlines that could affect the implementation of those cuts. This paper discusses the background of the sequester cuts, their implementation, and how Congress is likely to handle the other approaching deadlines.
This paper summarizes the elements of the fiscal cliff compromise reached on New Year’s Eve, and discusses how the compromise affects future income tax rates and wealth transfer.
Andy discusses the prospects for resolution of the fiscal cliff dilemma and how investors will be affected in the cover story of Forbes magazine.
Longer term, political analyst says president’s legacy will ride on his ability to bring down the deficit.
Whatever compromises President Obama and a divided Congress agree on to avert the pending fiscal cliff and reform the current loophole-ridden tax code, taxes on wealthy Americans are certain to rise next year. That means that life insurance and financial service professionals need to approach their clients before year-end about leveraging a host of tax-avoidance strategies.
Andy comments on the likely effect of Obama's re-election on the financial services industry and taxes.
Sell stock shares, reinvest in munis and other tax-advantaged vehicles; 'sooner rather than later'.
The horse race politics of the run-up to the November presidential election may be the order of the day, but just around the corner in Washington lurk what promise to be contentious debates over fiscal issues of major significance for financial advisors and their clients.
Although a chasm separates Democrats and Republicans over most of the Bush tax cuts, the difference between them on taxation of investment income is more of a rift. Democrats are seeking a 20% rate on dividends and capital gains, while the GOP wants to set it at 15%.
Andy comments on the tax implications of the Supreme Court's ruling on health care reform.
The US economy risks being in a state of gridlock for the crucial last few weeks of the year, irrespective of who wins the November election, according to a leading independent American political analyst.
Estate Planners: 9 Months Left for Tax-Free Transfer of $10 Million. White paper shows how investors can use trusts, life insurance and annuities to pass millions through exemptions expiring at year end.
Obama's CPFB appointment won't propel Dodd-Frank into GOP debate.
Class warfare is likely to be a major theme of the 2012 election, with bottom-line consequences for financial advisers' affluent clients.
Research Magazine and Advisor One discuss Andy's views on taxes and future legislation in the wake of the Super Committee's failure to agree on a deficit reduction plan.
Wall Street getting fed up with Washington's dithering on deficit. Widespread pessimism over meaningful deficit reduction plan.
Political Affairs Expert Andy Friedman Speaks at Ohio University-Zanesville WHIZ-TV (Zanesville, Ohio). Speaker predicts another Obama term The Times of Indiana.
When the new Congress convened, Andy predicted that the markets could be in for a rougher time come spring when stimulus and QE2 would end.
"A year and a half into the Obama administration, the federal budget deficit is soaring. Spending has swelled as the government expended funds to support financial institutions, stimulate the economy and provide benefits to out-of-work families. Meanwhile, the recession brought a precipitous drop in federal tax revenues." Read the full Research Magazine article Andy authored on investing in a rising tax environment (click here).
According to a profile in the Washington Post, Friedman's "niche is offering information in an analytical, nonpartisan fashion. In an era of talking heads and politicized television shows, he seeks to stay objective and talks about how people can improve their investment returns."
USA Today's Sandra Block reported on the Roth IRA reports on the changes to the Roth IRA rules discussing the changes with Andrew Friedman.
MutualFundWire reported on an Investment Outlook luncheon in New York City sponsored by mutual fund company Eaton Vance. At the lunch Andy discussed the coming renewed focus on mutual fund tax efficiency as investors seek tax relief strategies and ways to bolster retirement income.
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